Save The Date
The 2023 inaugural art sale will be at the Bayside Sea Scouts this October! To experience our collected work as you would see in our studios come and visit us Saturday 28th – Sunday 29th between 10am & 4pm!
Pairing Exhibition now available online, visit in person from Tuesday 4th May 2021
My latest Exhibition, Pairings, is now available online.
Online exhibition now open, prints available!

All the paintings are on heavy white rag paper, watercolour, and measure 58 x 77 cm. (Dancer – small 58 x 10cm, and Full Moon is acrylic paint.) Now framed.
I have one print of each picture for sale . All prints on quality photographic paper. Go to the Shop and be the first to purchase a print!
Handwoven silk available now

Partners In Textile Exhibition 2017

A 30 year old Icon Lady waiting to be framed

Iconladies ready to stitch or frame.
Painted on silk, 30 years ago!
Eventually I sold this piece just as it is here. Like me, she will still be going into her seventies.
Want to see more? Come and see her latest incarnations at my upcoming Exhibition at The Butterfactory, Cooroy, on the 12th August 2017
Tea cosy by Helen McIntosh
I was fascinated by the knitted tea cosies I found in second-hand shops because they’re diverse, original, made by people being creative who aren’t worried about status or artistic value. They are genuine hand-craft.
I have created cloth dolls instead of plastic or Barbie dolls etc, and use my own ideas for tea cosies. Being me, I can’t help going “over the top” where “more” is better, and better still 🙂
I see them as a celebration of women and craft, and who doesn’t love a cup of tea?
Upcycled Artworks
I create upcycled artworks by repurposing older materials and whatever is to hand in my Workshop.
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Market work
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Hand painted fine china and hand embroidered cushions for Market days.
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Above: mosaics , china from the stash.
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mosaic Iconladys.
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